SF Proclamation
Whereas, for 19 years the How Weird Street Faire, or “How Weird”, has been a part of the cultural fabric of the SoMa neighborhood; and,
Whereas, the How Weird Street Faire is a unique event known around the world, celebrating individuality and weirdness in everyone, while contributing to the creative culture of San Francisco; and,
Whereas, the How Weird Street Faire has featured cutting-edge independent music and art from the local community; and,
Whereas, the How Weird Street Faire brings together diverse people to find common ground and make connections, encouraging acceptance and appreciation of our differences; and,
Whereas, the How Weird Street Faire is a project of the local nonprofit World Peace Through Technology Organization, which has used the faire as a way of bridging the differences between people and cultures; and, therefore be it
Resolved, that the City and County of San Francisco recognize the How Weird Street Faire for its peace efforts and support of local artists and culture; and, be it
Further resolved, that the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco hereby declare May 6, 2018 “How Weird Day” in San Francisco.