For more information and to set up interviews, contact press at howweird.org/2015
Here are some pictures from previous How Weirds…
How Weird 2013 – center signs
How Weird 2014 – Howard Street
How Weird 2013 – 2nd Street
How Weird 2013 – marching band
How Weird 2013 – hula hooper
How Weird 2013
How Weird 2013
How Weird 2013 – Art Alley
How Weird 2013 – Art Alley mural
How Weird 2013 – Art Alley live painting
How Weird 2013 – Art Alley
How Weird 2010
How Weird 2011 – center intersection
How Weird 2012 – center clocktower
How Weird 2011 – Art Alley
How Weird Street Faire 2009
How Weird Street Faire 2010
How Weird Street Faire 2011
How Weird Street Faire 2012
How Weird 2012
How Weird 2012 – Muti Music stage
How Weird 2009 – center intersection
How Weird 2010 salute
How Weird 2011 – Vulcan Stage crew
How Weird 2010 vendors – Love of Ganesha
How Weird 2009 vendors – hula hoops
How Weird 2012
How Weird 2012 – time travellers
How Weird 2012 – time travellers 2
How Weird 2012 – time travellers 3
How Weird 2013 – visitors
How Weird 2007 – at the old location
How Weird 2006 – center intersection garden
How Weird 2001
How Weird 2012 – weird sign