2010 Poster

(Scroll to the bottom of the page for the key.)

How Weird Street Faire 2010 Poster

The 2010 How Weird Street Faire poster contains figures that relate to peace, San Francisco, and the faire.

(Click on either picture to see a larger version.)


1. Easter Island head statue
2. Emiglio
3. Joegh Bullock
4. Gigi Hess
5. Amma
6. Bob Marley
7. Swami Chitananda
8. Emperor Norton
9. Chief Seattle
10. Shiva
11. Terbo Ted
12. Jovis
13. Scott Munson
14. Anna Jarvis
15. Bruno Hussar
16. Tim Leary
17. Parul
18. Will Gregory
19. Steven Colbert
20. Olli Wisdom
21. Michael Gosney
22. Frank Zappa
23. Steven Hawking
24. Gerald Holtom
25. Bob
26. Dalai Lama
27. Desmond Tutu
28. Waldo
29. Buckminister Fuller
30. Martin Luther King Jr.
31. Graham Chapman
32. John Lennon
33. Mahatma Gandhi
34. Nikola Tesla
35. Leonardo di Vinci
36. Paramahansa Yogananda
37. Arianne
38. Albert Hoffman
39. Sir Isaac Newton
40. Goa Gil
41. Yusuf Islam
42. Dr. Spock
43. Zippy
44. digibob
45. Jeeves
46. Rumi
47. Justin Fraser
48. Henry David Thoreau
49. Brad Olsen
50. Alex Grey
51. Thich Nhat Hanh
52. Wangari Muta Maathai
53. Muhammad Yunus
54. Christian Wegner
55. Michael O’Rourke
56. J
57. Santosh
58. Jay Fantazia
59. Pete Seeger
60. Ganesha
61. Albert Einstein
62. Jill Love Jordina
63. Terence McKenna
64. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh or Osho
65. Mayan figure statue
